After doing some calibrations on the OB-8, all of which went fine, I swapped 2 of the VCO chips from osc 1 to osc 2 and the problem moved as well. That means that 4 vco 1 chips on that voice card all died at the same time! I don't know how this can happen but it is very depressing. I don't want to plug in replacements in case it happens again.
This sucks!
So now I need one Yamaha IG00153 vco chip and 4 CEM 3340 vco chips.
EDIT: nope. Maybe not. I decided to take the 4 good chips and put them in voices 5 and 6 so I had 6 good voices... and ti didn't work! Now it's exactly the same as before. Osc 1 is out on all 4 even though 2 of them should be good! So maybe there is hope.
This sucks!
So now I need one Yamaha IG00153 vco chip and 4 CEM 3340 vco chips.
EDIT: nope. Maybe not. I decided to take the 4 good chips and put them in voices 5 and 6 so I had 6 good voices... and ti didn't work! Now it's exactly the same as before. Osc 1 is out on all 4 even though 2 of them should be good! So maybe there is hope.
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